I was born in Acıpayam, Denizli, Turkey.
After completing my primary and secondary education in Denizli, I completed my high school education at Izmir Ataturk high school.
After graduating from Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine in 1994, I completed my specialization in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology at Uludag University Faculty of Medicine.
Besides Medical Oncology, molecular oncology and personalized cancer treatment are my main interests. I've been designing personalized cancer treatments based on comprehensive genomic profiling for about 7 years.
I am experienced with over 1200 patients in comprehensive genomic profiling and am sharing all what I’ve experienced regarding my work area with my colleagues in various meetings at İnternational level.
I have founded the first personalized cancer treatment center at Medicana Ataşehir hospital.
My other important interest is integrative oncology. The feature is to evaluate high dose vitamin C treatments at the molecular level and design it individually for personalized cancer treatments.
Every person is special and so as their tumor! Therefore, by evaluating our patients at the molecular level, we consider all the molecules that can touch their lives and design their treatments.
From our coordinator to our nurses, from our cancer biologist to our dietitian and to our psychologist, we continue our work with an experienced team to reveal personalized cancer treatment in our center.